Monday, June 8, 2015

Entry #8 - Building Tristar's Panzer IV Ausf. C

Now that most of the work is completed on lower hull I am moving onto the turret.  Adding hatches, other bit and pieces are pretty straight forward.  I had an issue with the left side hatch door not fitting correctly.  I had to scrap away some of the interior frame to get the hatch to sit correctly.  The right side hatch went in without a problem.  Go figure.

Also, remember to remove the bolt detail on the left side in the area outlined in the circle below.  

The cupola was a bit of a pain.  Generally, everything lines up fine.  However, the armor surrounding the vision ports does not look quite right.  The first decision to make is whether to leave the vision ports open or closed.  Basically, this mean installing the upper armor sections up or down.  I decided to with the open look.  In the end, I am just not crazy about the spacing between each section of the bottom armor pieces. 

I also decided to close the main hatch.  Tristar did not any include details inside the cupola so the doors are all closed up. 

The front portion of the turret is also pretty straight forward.  I also did not include any interior turret detail as all the hatches were buttoned up. 

From looking a several war time pictures of the Ausf. C it seems that Tristar neglected the detail on the side of gun mantlet.  So, I used Archer Fine Transfers weld beads that were cut to shape.  This is the first time I have used the transfers and work awesome.  

Below is a good close up of manlet and the details on the side. 

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