Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tiger 222 is Done!

Well, I finally finished my 1/48 Tamiya Tiger.  It is nice to complete a model ahead of schedule.  I plan to take this tank to the upcoming Omacon show.  I would have finished yesterday but my daughter turned 5 and I messed up my knee up (the colors of the bruising is just amazing) while trying to skate.  I haven't been on skates for at least 30 years.  Laws of nature are funny - 5 year old girl falls down at least 20 time and walks away; 38 year dad falls down twice and feels like he has been in car accident.  Anyway, below is the completed Tiger.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of the tank are nice and everything, but how about a good picture of that bruised knee? A warning to all those who would try to skate!
