Monday, August 17, 2015

Entry # @#$%! - Building Tristar's Panzer IV Ausf. C

I really, really, really hate when my compulsive gene kicks in and this time, it kicked in hard.  I got to looking at my fenders and their placement.  Then I looked at numerous pictures of real Panzer IV's online and my fenders are just sitting way too low.  Should have noticed it when I first placed them but totally missed it.

So, I walked away and thought about it for some time and came to the conclusion that I couldn't live it.  It looks really bad.  I am now in the process of tearing both fenders off, scraping off the glue and sanding the underneath of the upper hull. 

Hopefully, I can get it back together in a week with some additional details to the fender in order to speed up the build. Ugh!

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