Monday, July 27, 2015

Entry #22 - Building Tristar's Panzer IV Ausf. C

A tale of two fenders.  

Bad Fender.  I broke the cardinal rule of modeling, "test fit BEFORE soldering".  On Bad Fender, I went with looking correct versus placing the part where the instructions say.  The fenders on a Panzer IV have the texture plate go all the to edge.  However, this creates a gap along the angle portion.  Now, if I was a smart person, I would have test fitted before soldering the entire plate.  Nope, not this guy! 

Good Fender.  Followed instructions, it is not 100% correct but hey, no gaps.      

Next problem, how to fix Bad Fender?  First I attempted to desolder but that went nowhere fast and eventually would cause a ton of damage.  So, I turned to Ebay and bought another set.  Good thing Tristar kits are not in hot demand making the upgrade sets cheap. 

Live and learn. 

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