I pulled myself away from 2 other projects – 1/48 Tamiya Tiger and 1/72 Fine Molds X-wing (coming soon) – to finish the Tarawa Sherman. I was really disheartened by the fine white particulars that showed up after the Flat coat was applied. So I used Head & Shoulders to scrub away the dandruff. ): Actually, I used my handy dandy X-Acto knife to scrap away, scrap away, scrap away, scrap away, scrap away, scrap away … you get the point. It is weird that the white flakes still continued to appear almost 2 weeks later. Away, I am done with that problem.
I installed the tread, which easy with the rubber band style. Basically, just carefully stretch over the wheels and make sure that the tracks are going in correct direction. I hand painted the machine guns with Model Master Gun Metal Metalizer. Then I pulled the masks off the headlights and the periscopes.
Lastly, I painted and glued on the tools. Painting the tools is a part that I really dread the most, kinda like masking canopies on planes. Mainly because I am never happy with the look. For the wood areas – I painted with a light tan (Vallejo Wood) and brushed on Winsor & Newton Vandyke Brown. For the metal areas – I initially painted them black then dry brushed withseveral Model Master Metalizers until they looked enough like metal. Lastly, I used Model Master Aluminum Metalizer along the edges to give them a worn look.
Anyway, there you go, the Tarawa Sherman is complete as it going to get. I may add the antenna and tow cable later. Personally, I really enjoyed building this Dragon kit and would recommend to anyone looking to build a USMC Sherman.
Thanks for reading.
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