Monday, October 19, 2015

Entry #37 - Building Tristar's Panzer IV Ausf. C

This is last big step in the build. I have several minor little issues to clean up before I start panting this beast. I had to do some research to figure out how the Germans attached the bin to the Ausf. C turret. Below are couple of good pics showing the bracket and then a drawing showing the actual layout. 

I decided to scratch build the brackets out of spare PE fret and styrene.  Basically, I cut an unused section from the Eduard PE fret that was the approximate thickness.  Then I bent the piece around the hook.  I traced it onto thin styrene, cut it out and sanded it to fit. I did have to sand the hook a bit to get it to fit correctly. 

I then added the bolt detail and trimmed to size.  When gluing the brackets onto the hooks I had to make sure the angle stay correct.  Lastly I added the bracket that is placed on the back of turret (Eduard was nice enough to include this in their PE fret).  


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