Monday, August 10, 2015

Entry #25 - Building Tristar's Panzer IV Ausf. C

Is has come time to finish off the back end of my Panzer IV Ausf. C.  Since there are no rear pictures of the Panzer I am basing my model on, I get to make some educated guesses (or better known as, make it up as you go along).  I did find a picture of a late war early Panzer IV so I will use this as a reference.

First decision to be made is what to do with the turret traverse motor muffler (the little muffler that sits above the bigger, engine muffler).  Reference pictures show early Panzers with and without the muffler later in the war.  Since my early Panzer IV is clearly beat up I decided not to install it.  However, I did want to represent that it was there at one time so I used a bit of styrene to make a broken pipe (see green arrow).    

I really did not like the look of the Tristar's straps for the muffler so those got replaced from ones in the Eduard's update set.  I also replaced the tow cable brackets with custom ones (yeah, I just bent some brass rod and stuck them in).  

The last issue I had was the rear stop light lamp (the picture above shows a Notek rear light in it's place but I decided against it).  The Tristar bracket was too thick, so again I went with a custom made one.  There is a small indention in the rear armor angle bracket to place the stop light bracket but I did not like the placement (the light itself was pressed up against the muffler).  So, I filled the area and I was able to move bracket to a better location.  

Finally, I added all the other small details and I am calling it done (I will add the chains at the very last because I know my ham hands will definitely find a way to break them off). 

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